Photographs in Search of a Blog

View from 11 Cafe, 100 Block, Knoxville

 Here are a few scenes that caught my attention recently. The photograph of the 100 Block is from the window of 11 Cafe. I love the little bar along the window facing the street. Sitting there reminds me of a similar bar looking out onto the street of Haight Ashbury and anything that reminds me of San Francisco in any respect is worth noting.

Couple reads James Agee inscription on Market Square, Knoxville

I love the couple standing in Market Square reading the words of James Agee. I’m always amazed at how many people read those inscriptions or the ones on the various monuments and statues around the city. I can’t ever resist taking a picture of Harley the Magician. I think he’s very camera-friendly. And the Whittle Building, well, I think it’s pretty and I really liked the clouds that day.

Harley, Market Square, Knoxville

Whittle Building with clouds, Knoxville

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