Veterinarian to Possibly Move Downtown

36 Market Square

At this point it’s simply being considered, but it’s a pretty intriguing possibility. The proposed location is 36 Market Square and with the pet population downtown maybe, just maybe, we’re ready for such a thing. In addition to shots and, I presume, treatment of sick animals, the site would also offer grooming of all sorts.

As I’ve documented on this blog in the past, we brought a dog downtown and it didn’t work out for us. She never acclimated and really needed a place to run around without the fear of delivery trucks, fire engines, strange animals and mail boxes. I know. I don’t have any idea why mail boxes.

Picture of 36 Market Square, Knoxville, Circa 1910

During the time we owned a dog, I do think we would have switched these services to a downtown location if possible. To be avoid loading her in the car and driving back to our vet in west Knoxville would have been much easier – and worth paying a bit of a premium for.

I can also imagine people who bring their dogs downtown perhaps being interested. I’m sure if I still lived outside downtown, I’d much rather walk around the city while my dog was groomed than to sit in the Pet Smart parking lot reading a book or driving around west Knoxville just to kill time. If others are like me, this would expand the market beyond the considerable number of downtown dogs and cats.

Photographic Display in Window of 36 Market Square, Knoxville

Of course, one of the great needs we felt was a place to board her downtown and I know others have made similar statements. It would be amazingly helpful to have the luxury of walking your dog to be boarded or walking to pick her up after being out of town. It appears this isn’t a likelihood for this particular venture, so maybe someone else will have to take that on.

So take a stroll around the outside of the building, look at the before and after and interior photographs displayed in the window and see if you can picture a vet. Consider if you would change from your current vet to a downtown service if it was offered? Leave a comment below or vote in the poll above. The prospective business owners are watching the blog and trying to make a decision and you could help make up their minds.

Empty Interior of 36 Market Square with photographs in foreground

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