Spring, Spanish and Soccer via SLR

Soccer Styling in front of Soccer Taco, Market Square, Knoxville

I’m not sure winter ever happened in Knoxville this year, but it appears spring is here. There are many things to love about springtime anywhere, but in Knoxville we have our own set of cool to enjoy: Rhythm and Blooms, Dogwood Arts Festival, new sculptures appearing in the city and the vibrant blooms of Redbuds, dogwoods and tulips.

Soccer Styling in front of Soccer Taco, Market Square, Knoxville

One of the sounds I enjoy whenever I hear it is the sound of other languages being spoken on the streets of downtown Knoxville it makes us seem just a little more cosmopolitan. Most commonly that language is Spanish, but I’ve heard a variety of other languages, including German, French and Japanese.

Soccer Styling in front of Soccer Taco, Market Square, Knoxville

Even though the guys who work in Soccer Taco are often found in front of the restaurant with their soccer ball, it’s in the spring that I slow down enough to enjoy the easy rhythms of the ball bouncing off their feet, the Spanish words flying through the air along with the ball and the especially the laughter. They seem to feel pure joy as they kick the ball about. The day I took these shots one of them fell as he attempted a fancy kick. I was afraid his friends would hurt themselves as they all fell to the ground laughing uncontrollably.

Soccer Styling in front of Soccer Taco, Market Square, Knoxville

I’m trying a few different moves with the camera and hope to work on it more in the near future. These shots were taken using the “sports” setting which is meant to capture action. I can actually shoot high definition video with the camera, but this is more fun.

Soccer Styling in front of Soccer Taco, Market Square, Knoxville

Soccer Styling in front of Soccer Taco, Market Square, Knoxville

Soccer Styling in front of Soccer Taco, Market Square, Knoxville

Soccer Styling in front of Soccer Taco, Market Square, Knoxville

Soccer Styling in front of Soccer Taco, Market Square, Knoxville

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