More Blue Plate Special: Snowy Day Edition

I have to say I absolutely adore being downtown when life is just a little off-kilter. Sunday mornings are a bit like that with the whole “Sunday Morning Coming Down” feel. Holidays are even more that way. On Christmas all the businesses are closed, workers stay home and downtown settles into the neighborhood and only the neighborhood. It’s a quiet, laid-back, friendly vibe.

Adrian Krygowski, WDVX Blue Plate, Knoxville, December 2010

I recently got to experience that vibe with the snowfall that placed most of Knoxville on pause. It was great to sleep late and ease out in time for the Blue Plate Special at noon, followed by a hot bowl of corn chowder at Cafe Four. There were people around and lots of smiles as we walked very slowly across the sidewalks or in the street where the footing was better.

Adrian Krygowski, WDVX Blue Plate Special, Knoxville, December 2010

The Blue Plate Special was also different as a result of the snow. Adrian Krygowski of (or AKA?) Adrian Hardkor was able to make it, so that part stayed the same. Adrian currently lives in D.C. and he and his band tour from that home base. This is his second swing through Tennessee and he sported his western shirt and boots from his first trip. He is staying with new friend and local musician Roman Reese and supporting the CD Road on the Left. The music is a folk/alt country blend. His voice reminds me of a young Jimmy Lafave. He plays a lovely Martin guitar (I’m biased) and his songwriting is exceptional. I bought his CD and I think you should, too. He says he’ll be coming back through in the early spring.

Cruise Contreras, Matt Morelock, Glen Fields, WDVX Blue Plate, Knoxville

The other artist scheduled to appear today cancelled because of the weather. What’s a WDVX to do? Call on some of the many fine musicians who live downtown and could walk to the gig! Recently that group has included Cruz Contreras who was joined today by long-time WDVXer and downtowner Matt Morelock, most recently of The Bearded and Morelock Music. Sitting in on drums was Glen Fields from Lafayette, Louisiana.

Cruise Contreras, Matt Morelock and Glen Fields, WDVX Blueplate Special

The set consisted mostly of traditional songs with a sprinkling of Black Lillies material – acoustic, of course. Cruz continues to get better and the release of the next Black Lillies album promises to be a major event on the Knoxville music scene. A CD release party is slated for the Bijou in January. You can get tickets here. (And you should. I’m being a little bossy, today. Trust me, my father’s nickname was “Doctor.”)

Cruise Contreras, Matt Morelock, Glen Fields, WDVX Blue Plate Special

It was a perfect winter day antidote. Only about twenty hardy souls made it into the studio, so everything was laid back and comfortable and the music was excellent. What a neighborhood.

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