No Music, Just a Cold, Snowy, Beautiful Night

Snowy Night in Krutch Park, Knoxville, December 2010

 Friday I looked in the Daily Plan-it to see what music might be coming up downtown that I needed to catch. Angel Martinez at the Preservation Pub caught my eye. I saw him at the Hola Festival and thought he was great. Unfortunately, as with the previous show I saw there, the music was not set to start until late: 10:00 PM this time. I found myself wishing he had been there on a Saturday night so I wouldn’t have to go to work the next morning.

Arch on Market Square, Knoxville, December 2010

When the snow and cold set in and I learned I would not have to report to work I remembered the show and made my plans to catch it, after all. Life was good. At 10:00 when I arrived at the door no one was taking the cover charge and I knew that couldn’t be a good sign. Sure enough, the bartender confirmed that the show was cancelled.

Flow Mojo gets the Christmas Spirit, Krutch Park, Knoxville, December 2010.

I walked around for a few minutes and took some pictures of late night Knoxville in the snow.  I was sorry the music didn’t happen, but it forced me out into a cold night to see sights most people missed in the city. I’ll say this: It doesn’t take long in the twenty degree weather with a howling wind for the warmth of home to sound like a very good idea.

Union/Market Street entrance to Krutch Park in the snow.
Gay Street looking south, Knoxville, December 2010
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