Knoxville Photographs in Search of a Blog, May 2012

Window in Kendrick Place Mews

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a collection of pictures that I really enjoy, but for which no blog has presented itself. I always have my camera with me when I’m in the city and often I take pictures without knowing what the topic of a post will be. Most of the time a theme emerges and I collect what I thought were random photographs into an essay of one sort or another.

Doves in Kendrick Place Mews
Doves in Kendrick Place Mews
Doves in Kendrick Place Mews

Sometimes a unifying theme doesn’t present itself and I’m left with random pictures only connected by the fact that they tell the story of a moment in the history of our city. In this collection I offer a few of nature in the city, river recreation and bridge construction, a child at play and a doorway that is generally ignored, but is very pretty if you pause to see it. I’ll likely have more, soon. I hope you enjoy one or two along the way.

Fun on Market Square, Knoxville, 2012
Watersports on the Tennessee River, Knoxville, May 2012
Construction of the Henley Street Bridge, Knoxville, May 2012
Henley Street Bridge Construction, Knoxville, May 2012
First Presbyterian Cemetery, Knoxville, Spring 2012
Beautiful Side Doorwary to the Burwell Building (Tennessee Theatre)

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