Knoxville Christmas Parade 2011: Top Ten Floats!

So, last year I probably focased a little too much on the worst of the parade and there was plenty of that this year, but I’ll get to it later. First, let’s look at the best of the floats. Some groups really go all out and actually consider what they are doing, how it will look and they spend the time and money to make it look good. Too many floats look like trailers with lights and bunting or like an advertisment with a Christmas theme.

First, a few honorable mentions. These floats were good enough, but didn’t quite make the top ten. Good effort, still.

Honorable Mention #1, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

Honorable Mention #2, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

Now for the top ten best floats. Of course, there are caviets: I might have missed some of them. The biggest consideration, of course, is that this is just my personal opinion. But really, where else are you going to turn for an alternative top ten? I hope you enjoy. Say so if you disagree with my choices. I’m not Mr. Christmas, just a guy paying attention in the city.

#10 Best Float, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

#10 Best Float, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

I realize the Tennessee Valley Fair doesn’t have much to do with Christmas, but look at the effort they gave to the float. I can’t remember if it is the same thing as last year, but it’s pretty impressive. It must have taken quite a bit of work.

#9 Best Christmas Float, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

I think there were a couple of floats with live music this year and this was one of the best. The float was well done and the music was good. I know they are promoting something or another, but so was virtually everyone else. I could use more live music.

#8 Best Float, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

I know it’s Shoney’s and I know I trash-talked a little last year about the idea of a Shoney’s float in the parade, but they did a nice job, don’t you think? I can only work with what I have. Go Shoney’s Bear!

#7 Best Float, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

 You might expect WIVK, which sponsors the parade, would have a good float and you’d be right. I have no idea who their “celebrities” are, but they have Santa who is, naturally, accompanied by the WIVK Frog. My only real complaint here is that the float was in the middle of the parade. Who ever heard of such a thing. You save Santa for the last, people! After Santa what else is there in a Christmas parade?

#6 Best Float, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

#5 Best Float, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

#4 Best Float, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

How about the City and County working together on a float? Knox County Mayor Burchett seemed to be having a good time. Knoxville Mayor Brown and his wife seemed to be relishing the last days of his term. Still, it was the balloon snow flakes that did it for me. Nice job. There are worse ways we could spend our tax dollars like building a flea market – wait a minute – we did what?

#3 Best Float, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

I’ve got nothing against the scouts, cub, boy, girl or otherwise. Sure they could be more inclusive and I would be happier, but there are plenty of things that make me unhappy and that’s just one. My main beef against the scouts, and I think I mentioned this last year, is that they show up for a parade and think that’s good enough. No, it’s not. Nor was the little trailer with a campsite elsewhere in the parade. These guys on the other hand, got themselves a great theme – Charley Brown Christmas – and did an excellent job. Pay attention all you other scouts.

#2 Best Float, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

#2 Best Float, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

 This almost got my vote for best float simply because it is very good, but also because it gets the special Urban Guy Award for Best Comeback. All the groups who put out a sorry float or a half-way effort (you know who you are), take note. Last year these guys had a Ten Commandments Theme. Bad, bad, bad. Nothing to do with Christmas. This year they come up with a great, inclusive theme and execute it in grand style. Great job, guys.

#1 Best Float, 2011 Knoxville Christmas Parade

This float put it all together: Great lights, focus on the central theme of the holiday without preaching, wow factor simple caption. This is what you other guys are shooting for. Great job to this group. A parade full of this would be impressive.

So, there you go, the best. You know I’ve got to be a little snarky about what needs to be axed. I’ll close with that in tomorrow’s post, along with a few other odds and ends.

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