Preparing and Repairing the City

Filling the hole at the corner of Summer Place and Locust

There are always things getting repaired or prepared in the city. Generally you might watch your step or you might step into a mess that wasn’t there the day before. I also find the opposite: As I walked turned a corner onto Gay Street recently I thought something felt strange and then realized the scaffolding that had been in that location for months was gone.

At least it’s a start: The corner of Summer Place and Locust


Slowly filling the hole at the corner of Summer Place and Locust, Knoxville

In the “repair” category, I’m happy to say that a step or two has been taken to fill the hole at the corner of Summer Place and Locust. I’ve discussed this dangerous eye-sore before and I’ve called the city to no avail. I suppose the owner has decided if it was filled and paved he could make more money parking cars. Or he had some extra dirt he needed to get rid of. It would be great if a beautiful building was going up on the foundation already in place, but a parking lot is better than a hole. Maybe then the sidewalks can be cleared for their intended use instead of providing space for his poorly supported ugly chain-link fence.

One Crane Builds another on Walnut Street, Knoxville


The constructed crane from the ground

The Aerial View of the Crane

Just around the corner from that location, Walnut between Wall Avenue and Summit Hill was blocked off recently to allow a multi-crane operation. It seems one crane had to put the other together so that crane number two could lift some equipment onto the top of the TVA Towers to repair a AC/heating unit. It’s easy to overlook how many complications come with tall buildings.

Beginnings of an ice rink on Market Square

The ice rink takes form on Market Square

On Market Square a transformation is taking place, of course, as the ice rink is constructed. It appears to be about ready for its November 25 opening. The days of operation have been extended this year to run through Sunday, January 8.

Early Stage Christmas Tree on Gay Street


Christmas Tree getting closer

Krutch Park is also prepping for the opening of Christmas in the City. The large Christmas tree on Gay Street is almost ready. Lights are draped in and around the trees. The day after Thanksgiving not only features the opening of the ice rink, it also marks the official lighting of the tree, the Holiday Ho Ho Ho Down on Market Square, free carriage rides and much more.

So, it’s true, there is always something being prepared or repaired. And I’m glad. It shows the city is a living breathing organism. When the construction and reconstruction stops it will be time to worry. Enjoy the constant change. It means we’re healthy.

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