More October First Friday

Hooping into the Night, Krutch Park, Knoxville

Everything wasn’t serious Wall Street Occupational talk on Friday night. I made it a point to make my way to the Art Market where a neighbor had a showing and I always stop off at the Emporium.

Jazz inside the Art Market, Knoxville, October 2011

The jazz music just inside the door of the Art Market was excellent with the simple jazz guitar and a saxophone. I’m not sure if it is the acoustics, the ambiance or the talent, but this wasn’t the first time I’ve heard great music in that entry-way.

Sold Piece by Morgan Fitch at the Art Market, Knoxville

Inside I talked to Morgan Fitch whose found-object art was on display. He’d sold one piece (“Don’t Drink and Bike”) already and the night was going well with a packed house several hours into the event. He told me that he finds objects in all manner of places along the journey to various animal or human forms. 

Sculpture by Morgan Fitch, Art Market, Knoxville

Sculpture by Morgan Fitch, Art Market, Knoxville

The bicycle pedals are obvious in his “Don’t Drink and Bike” piece, but don’t miss the little pictures of wine bottles as eyes. The pivotal pieces in the poodle pictured above are the metal wine glasses he’d had for sometime but no longer used. His art is still on display at the Art Market, so check it out if you get a chance.

“The Victor by Olga Noes

Painting by Gloria Nelson, Emporium, October 2011

By the time I got to the Emporium time was short. I was able to spot a couple of pieces upstairs that intrigued me and I listened to the singer downstairs for a few minutes. The highlight was talking to the good folks at Casa Hola. I met lovely Brenda and Carol and they let me take their picture, which was very cool. Good people and good times.

Singer at the Emporium, Knoxville, October 2011

Carol and Brenda at Casa Hola, Emporium, Knoxville, October 2011

I walked back to Krutch Park and ended the night watching the lovely lady pictured at the beginning of this post, hooping to the sounds of the small drum contingent on hand. I’ll have more about the business end of the night and some updates on local businesses in tomorrow’s blog post.

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