Jay Clark at Preservation Pub: Homegrown with i105

Jay Clark at the Preservation Pub Speakeasy

The second week of the Homegrown series hosted by WFIV, 105.3 in the Preservation Pub Speakeasy was a great sophomore effort. Jay Clark is a wonderfully talented local singer-songwriter whose roughly textured voice and smooth delivery are perfect for the venue.

Jay Clark singing on Homegrown, WFIV

Always engaging, Jay sang songs with political overtones – or direct statements – such as I’m Confused. One wonders if he’s really as confused as he might like to claim. The song lays out contradictions in our thinking like dropping bombs while we claim to believe in a God who says not to kill. He calls out a country who accepts a president who lies to them and elects him on moral terms. He acknowledged his left-leanings with humor. “Progress” is another of the politically charged songs which challenges our cultural definition of progress.

Jay Clark in the Preservation Pub Speakeasy

Many songs are of more personal nature like Sunday Afternoon. He deftly weaves divergent sentiments into single songs and renders them logical and honest. “Sunday Afternoon” has the protagonist attending church and musing on God while attaining a Sunday afternoon beer buzz. Other songs deal with domestic issues and, often, drinking. When I Get to Drinkin’ and Better Man are two of my favorites.

Jay Clark at Preservation Pub

Jay Clark and Joe from WFIV

Mostly, they are simply great songs. He’s another of our local treasures. I suppose other places must have great singer-songwriters and bands, but we seem to have more than our fair share. And I appreciate i105 being willing to give them air time and Preservation Pub agreeing to host the whole affair. It makes for a good time. Why not try to make it down for the fun at 7:00 tonight for Chip Searcy? I hope to see you there.

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a sample of Jay Clark. This is “Sunday Afternoon.” Enjoy.

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