John Stancil, Kevin Grimac, a Cool House and a Local Beer

Kevin introduces John Stancil, Knoxville, May 2011

I recently reported on the City Council Workshop regarding the Henley Street issue. There was one person who spoke in favor of at least thinking large while we have this opportunity. As we walked away after the meeting I thanked him and we realized we had met when his very cool house was featured on the City People tour of downtown homes and talked about homes, dogs and downtown. Subsequently I featured his home on my blog. Before we parted ways last week he handed me an invitation to an event at his home.

John Stancil Meet and Greet, May 2011

The event was a meet and greet and fundraiser for John Stancil who is running for city council’s at large seat A this fall. His opponents include W.L. “Buck” Cochran Jr., George C. Wallace and Michael McBath. Is having a familiar name a good thing or a bad thing for Mr. Wallace? Of course, the George C. Wallace from my childhood in Alabama has nothing to do with Knoxville’s George C. Wallace. Still it’s striking to a southerner of a certain age.

Adam Palmer and Jonathan Bordsodi of Marble City Brewing Company

The house was as great as I remembered and I’m told the beer provided by Market City Brewing Company was excellent. I’m not a beer drinker myself, but there were a number of compliments and smiles passing around regarding the brew of the night. On hand to see that all was well with the brew of the night was Adam Palmer and Jonathan Borsodi, co-owners of the company. The beer is currently available by keg or on tap at various establishments around town.

The bacon in question

The party was hosted by Kevin and his lovely wife Melinda, who made the most delicious bacon hor d’oeuvres. I’m afraid I slipped in more than my share. It was a fun night with interesting people and great conversation. I particularly enjoyed talking with Nancy Langmaker of Rita’s Ice on Market Square. I love listening to people talk about a product or business about which they are passionate, and she is very much so.

Mr. Stancil talks with a guest.

As for Mr. Stancil, I learned only a little about his positions. He does not support the previous version of the Ten Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness in that he feels the housing provided could come at a much smaller expense than Minvilla, for example. He feels historic preservation efforts collided with the homeless problem in that case and sees them as two issues which do not necessarily compliment one another.

Guests enjoy food, good company and a good time.

He is a member of Knox Heritage and has held a leadership role in City People, two organizations I greatly respect. He and his wife lived downtown before moving to the Parkridge area where he is now a leader in that community’s organizations. I found him to be a personable and engaging man and I take it as a good omen that others whose opinions I respect seem to count themselves among his supporters.

Mr. Stancil addresses the crowd.

The months will pass quickly and the election will be upon us. It’s time to get to know your candidates. You might look for an opportunity such as this one to begin forming an opinion. I believe elections matter.

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