Urban Mystery Picture #2

Let’s start with the winner of the Innaugural Urban Mystery Picture contest. First, the picture:

I thought it would remain a mystery until I revealed the answer after time expired. I was way wrong. David Evola, diligent and faithful member of the Urban Nation, answered the question within hours of the original post, correctly identifying the picture as a window in a “building across Walnut Street from the library, next to the salon.” The address is actually 710 Walnut. David says he often walks by the spot so he recognized it immediately. Well done, David, and congratulations. Your prize package is in the mail!

David Evola: Winning Urbanite

This week we have two angles on the same location, so you actually get a little extra help. Remember, put your answer in the comments below and also e-mail it to KnoxvilleUrbanGuy@gmail.com. If we have a winner, they will join David in the pantheon of Urban Nation greats with his or her very own name and photograph (notice the hat and sunglasses theme) on the blog next week. Good luck!

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