Metropulse: A Great Magazine Takes It to the Next Level!

I realize I’m talking about them talking about me which might be a pretty silly loop, but I can’t help myself. Metropulse was kind enough to include my blog, along with several others, in the cover story of their new issue. They said, “A new blog’s life expectancy is sadly short; it begins with earnest intentions to strike a bold path of self-expression, and usually ends with a death knell of ennui. They die by the thousands each week. But even in this age of tweets, there are old-fashioned blogs worth seeking out—especially local ones. Here are just a few local blogs to bookmark, if you haven’t already.”

I didn’t realize blogging was already old fashioned, but I appreciate them thinking my blog is “worth seeking out.” If you want to check out several interesting blogs highlighted, you can do that here. If you’d like to learn more about me and this blog, you can do that here.

I really appreciate their plug and if you are showing up as a result of their link, give the blog a spin and see if it is your kind of thing. I really hope you enjoy it.

For everyone else, I also and always appreciate you reading. If you’d like to become a follower or get e-mail updates when a post is added, you can always do that to the right. Back to our regular programming in the next post. (See, I’m not letting it go to my head. Really. I mean it. :-))

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