Hola Festival, Dos

The Farragut High School Band, Hola Festival, Parade of Nations

Representing Latino-Americans at the Hola Festival

The children looked so beautiful and so sincere.

The Parade of Nations opened the festival at 11:00 AM. It would have been very helpful if this was made clear on the website. I knew there was a parade and I wanted to be there, but I had no idea when it would happen. I e-mailed and was referred to the website, so I went at 11:00 suspecting it might be early. It was great fun. An excellent MC who switched comfortably between Spanish and English introduced each of the countries as they paraded. First up was the Farragut High School Marching Band, which as I mentioned in the last post has a Spanish connection.

Urban Baby says, “I’ve got some snacks in my bag. Let me know when Diego shows up.”


Afterward, a number of countries paraded past with several people dressed in traditional clothing for that part of the Latin world. Of course, Diego made his initial appearance of the day in the parade. The pictures almost took themselves. Spectacular color and larger than life joy abounded. I hope you like them.


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