Great Music Coming At You

I don’t usually use this space to promote upcoming events. Typically I report on the events I’ve happened upon or attended on purpose. Usually it’s more of the former. I’m going to use this space today to give you a heads-up on something special coming to Knoxville this weekend. Jimmy Cobb is the only surviving member of the Miles Davis classic recording session for Kind of Blue. This recording is considered one of the most important in the history of jazz. He will perform at the Bijou Theater as a part of the fifth annual Knoxville Jazz Festival. The opening act will be the Knoxville Jazz Orchestra and the night promises to be magical. Combining the excellent accoustics of the Bijou with some of the best jazzmen in the world should make for a combustable late August night downtown. Why would you miss such a thing? Full disclosure: I’m driving the car for some of the musicians to get from the airport to the soundcheck. I’m honored to be the driver! Click the link for the Knoxville Jazz Festival, above, and join us. See Jimmy Cobb and meet KnoxvilleUrbanGuy! What a deal!
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Here’s a short, eight minute video that tells about the album, the session and Miles Davis, along with some commentary by several people, including Jimmy Cobb and some samples of the music:

Here’s a sample of recent Jimmy Cobb music celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the recording. This is the current band’s rendition of “Blue in Green” from the album:

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