Downtown Sculptures: Keep it or Lose it, Part Two

While considering today’s post I realized how lucky I am to be able to see these sculptures everyday for months. There aren’t many places where such a thing would happen and most certainly all of them are in a city of some size. Even the fun of talking with friends about the ones we don’t care for is worth something.

The previous post covered sculptures I felt we could lose. Today I will focus on the ones I’d like to see the city buy and keep. I realize that some of them may already be sold, but I’ll give the top seven I’d like to see us keep, building up to my number one sculpture I’d most like to see stay in the park or on the street. Remember, I’d like us to keep them all – and there are a few more that I didn’t get to discuss here that would be worth considering. So here is my top seven:

Coming in at number seven is a sculpture that I can’t explain in objective or subjective terms. What does it have to do with remembering? Maybe an artist could tell us. Why does it move me? I can’t remember. Seriously, I don’t know why it moves and engages me, but it does. I’ve probably spent more time looking at this one than any but my top two. I’d love to see it stay.

Already I’m feeling squeamish about the low placement of the bottom two on my list. This is one of the most photographed of the sculptures and it is easy to see why. It’s fun, it’s functional and it has a book!

This is another one that engages me, but I couldn’t tell you why, exactly. I can say that I enjoy the mix of materials and the idea that the world is balanced so precariously at the top is provocative. I’m not sure I understand the bar, but it makes the entire balancing act seem all the more tenuous. The more I write about it the more I like it and we’re only up to number five.

If this was a list of the sculptures I simply like the best, this one wouldn’t make the top four. Numbers five and seven would be more my style. Major bonus points go to this one because of all the kids, including some that aren’t so young, who have crawled all over it. I think this one is the most photographed and laughs and smiles filled every frame.

Now were really getting serious. I think this one is beautiful and sleek, but I think it avoids sterility. What does it mean? I think that will, perhaps in the same sense as “Remembering,” be in the eye and experience of the beholder. I can see my life in it, can you see something about yours?

I hate putting this one at number two. I love photographing it, particularly when the fountains are reaching upward, the light is shining just right through the park illuminating the delightful row of buildings across Gay Street and a soft breeze is spinning the top. This is the only moving sculpture that I’ve seen and I absolutely love the name. Mojo is Swahili for “magic,” I believe. This sculpture makes a great introduction to the Krutch Park extension.

This has got to be number one. It is substantial enough to anchor the main entrance to Krutch Park for years to come. In fact, it is substantial enough that I could imagine there is someone or some group out there who would love to not move it. This massive piece has been the object of many photographs and discussions. Does it mean “trinity” in the normal Christian sense? Is it a different triad? What triad are you living in your life? This is both my favorite of the downtown sculptures as well as the one I think most deserves to remain in place.

What do you think? How did I miss it? Are there others that are better? Would you rank them differently?

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