"It’s cold. It feels like independence day."

Church Street UMC, Sunday Morning, July 4
I was quite the slacker on July 4 this year. I had out-of-town guests and I’d worn them out walking around the city before the big day hit. I did get out that morning and take a few pictures and then I got a few that night. From my pictures you’d never know that the Black Lilies played downtown, not to mention the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra. My pictures didn’t include the thousands of people who came into the city for the fireworks and while I had the opportunity to take a picture of the spectacular death-defying fete of setting up a Ferris wheel on the Clinch Avenue viaduct, I was too dim-witted to recognize that for the amazing photo opportunity that it was. Later in the evening, I learned that I do not know how to photograph fireworks. I’ll work on that for next year. Still, I did get some pictures. Here is what I saw that day.
Great work being done on the Mary Boyce Temple House.
Empty World’s Fair Park being prepped for the crowds
I love the “look” for the Knoxville Museum of Art. Not everyone does.
Church Street UMC bell tower
The only one I could bear to post.
The heart of the city looking southeast.

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