“Much Love” in the Time of COVID

Much Love Knoxville, Market Square, Knxoville, February 2021

Many of our holidays and celebrations have, necessarily, been very different this year. As much as any other holiday, Valentines Day is about connections, expressions of love and usually time with a special person, if we have one in our life. Some people will be separated from that person this year, while others are fortunate to have spent the last year with at least that one very important person.

The Downtown Knoxville Alliance, in conjunction with the City of Knoxville and Dogwood Arts, are promoting ways to enjoy your special person, as well as a way to to express “much love” to the city that we all love. There are a lot of people and places that we miss and this is a way to express our appreciation for them.

Much Love Knoxville, Market Square, Knxoville, February 2021

For the remainder of this week, you’ll find “little signs of love” displayed throughout the downtown area at special photo op spots, all outdoors and safe. The centerpiece of the effort is a decorated mailbox you’ll find beside the bell on Market Square. Michelle Hummel, Executive Director of the Downtown Knoxville Alliance said, “We wanted to provide couples and friends some safe and memorable ways to celebrate downtown and to inspire the community to express love and appreciation.”

Much Love Knoxville, Market Square, Knxoville, February 2021

With that thought in mind, downtown residents and visitors are invited to write love letters to the city, dropping them in the box. It might be a “special memory, favorite downtown spot or what they love most about the city.” It’s hard to miss the fun and festive mailbox featuring artwork by local artist Paris Woodhull.

You’ll find a fun template to download here, and a list of perfect gifts sprinkled around downtown perfect for any phase of romance, from “we just met, but I think she’s cute,” to “I can’t remember how this all started forty years ago, but I’m glad he’s still around.” You’ll also find fun downtown-themed pages to download and color, and much more, including a fancy giveaway for the best letters. An electronic option for the love letter is provided for those who can’t make it downtown.

Much Love Knoxville, Market Square, Knxoville, February 2021

The notes will, as much as possible, be share with those whom they reference in the downtown area and many will be shared via social media. The point is, we call all use a little love these days. What better alternative celebration than to stroll downtown with the one your love, grab some photos, and drop off a love letter to your favorite merchant or special downtown organization?

What about sharing with that beleaguered restaurant or bar owner how much you appreciate the experiences you’ve had there or perhaps share how you got engaged or met your future valentine in their establishment? Or simply write a letter to the place you love and drop it in like a wish in a well for more happy, joyful seasons of love in our beautiful city.

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