Knoxville in the Springtime: A Photo Essay

Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Knoxville in the Spring, 2014

Before we head off into summer I wanted to post some photographs I’ve taken from this spring. The redbuds, dogwoods and various flowers were so pretty this spring that I couldn’t resist snapping a few as I went. Also, of course, I’m always seeing interesting sights that don’t really call for a whole article of their own, but which need to be seen, so here they are.

Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
A Swing on Market Square, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
A Swing on Market Square, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
A Swing on Market Square, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
A Swing on Market Square, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014

These photographs represent some new, though some were temporary, additions to downtown. We got another set of bike racks on Gay Street and I’m happy to see them being used. I got the photograph of Armstrong Alley with the cool label just before it was destroyed. I really liked it, but it wasn’t intended to be long-lasting. I wonder who went to the trouble? Thanks to whomever – it brought a smile to my face. And then there’s the set of swings on Market Square. I took these photographs about 1:00 AM on a weekend night. If I hadn’t photographed it I would have wondered if it was a figment of a late night hallucination, but there it is. Did anyone else see this?

Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Skaters, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Skaters, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014

Interesting people on the street in these shots. I thought the girls were beautiful and I enjoy seeing children enjoy the stream in Krutch Park even if it is fake. Doesn’t that preacher’s stern expression just make you want to change your life? As for the skaters, I think you can see they were jumping on top of the fences with their boards. Not cool – dangerous to passersby and destructive. No police to be found, so Urban Woman called them and told the boys so. They left in a Mercedes. Go figure.

Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Knoxville in the Spring, 2014

In the first photograph above, someone got serious with their messaging. Each can represents an alcohol-related traffic fatality in 2012. The second photograph was taken on Chapman Highway just over the Henley Street Bridge. I’d never really thought about the Sara Lee motto before, but doesn’t it strike you as a little bit of an underwhelming endorsement? Just a little tepid? They aren’t really claiming that anyone actually likes Sara Lee, just that no one really dislikes it. Strange.

Mary Boyce Temple House, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Mary Boyce Temple House, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Mary Boyce Temple House, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Mary Boyce Temple House, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Church Street United Methodist, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Church Street United Methodist, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Church Street United Methodist, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Church Street United Methodist, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
First Baptist Church, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
First Baptist Church, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014

Beautiful buildings look better surround by flowers. I’m really loving the restored beauty of the Mary Boyce Temple House. I know that angle shot is odd, but the angles on the house really struck me that day.

Old Gray Cemetery, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Old Gray Cemetery, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Old Gray Cemetery, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Old Gray Cemetery, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Old Gray Cemetery, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Old Gray Cemetery, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Old Gray Cemetery, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Old Gray Cemetery, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Old Gray Cemetery, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Old Gray Cemetery, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
National Cemetery, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
National Cemetery, Knoxville in the Spring, 2014

Cemeteries are poignant any time of year, but we happen to have an amazingly beautiful cemetery in Old Gray and when the dogwoods are in bloom, it’s enough to take your breath away. The national cemetery next to it is also striking in its own way with its perfectly ordered stones and the sentinel guarding the gates (look into the distance).

So, there you are, some spring photographs to enjoy. Back to our regularly scheduled program tomorrow.

Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Knoxville in the Spring, 2014
Knoxville in the Spring, 2014

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