Way Back Into the Past

English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013

We’ve done some heavy lifting this week with a pretty intense business focus, but the weekend is here, so why not end with a little fun? While we’re interested in business, in the end, that’s sort of like work, right? Let’s take it a bit further back in history than the hundred years or so that I usually write about.

English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013

The first set of photographs are from a chance encounter with a colonial flash mob, of sorts. I’ll confess that while I’m never spotted on a dance floor, I love watching this type of fun and elegant dance. I also love the simple music which typically accompanies it. I’ve been to Colonial Williamsburg probably more than twenty times – it’s a long story – and I love the dancing as long as they don’t drag my two left feet into the mix.

English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
Steampunk Carnivalle, Knoxville, June 2013
Steampunk Carnivalle, Knoxville, June 2013

One of the interesting sights I noticed as I slipped into the past, was a gentleman whom I’ve seen in the future and the present, as well. The non-colonial photograph is from the future: Steampunk Carnivalle which you can read about here and here. I’ve also run into him in Mast General Store looking very much in the present which seems, in his case, like the oddity. My lame brain fails me on his name. If you are reading Mr. Past, Present and Future, drop me a line and remind me. This time I’ll label your picture and remember.

English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013

Urban Girl also made a friend and they had fun playing in and around the LOVE sign on the stage. You may remember seeing it on the blog before – and that’s another interesting thing about seeing the colonial dancers on the square – they are dancing on the same weekend and in the same spot as the Thriller dancers occupied just a day earlier. Quite a dancing contrast. Only in a city, right?

English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
English Country Dancing on Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
Urban Girl Makes a Friend, Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
Urban Girl Makes a Friend, Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
Urban Girl Makes a Friend, Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013
Urban Girl Makes a Friend, Market Square, Knoxville, Fall 2013

From colonial era America, we’ll step back a bit further. A friend texted me a tip that the Nina and Pinta had sailed into town and I made it down to the river to check them out. It’s at least the second time they’ve come to the city since I’ve lived downtown and I love the image of the two ships from the fifteenth century juxtaposed with the modern city skyline.

Nina and Pinta, Tennessee River, Knoxville, Fall 2013
Nina and Pinta, Tennessee River, Knoxville, Fall 2013
Nina and Pinta, Tennessee River, Knoxville, Fall 2013
Nina and Pinta, Tennessee River, Knoxville, Fall 2013
Nina and Pinta, Tennessee River, Knoxville, Fall 2013
Nina and Pinta, Tennessee River, Knoxville, Fall 2013
Nina and Pinta, Tennessee River, Knoxville, Fall 2013
Nina and Pinta, Tennessee River, Knoxville, Fall 2013

So, there you go: a fun, nerdy little post for a Friday. I’ll see you on Sunday with a list of things to do downtown next week. Have a great weekend, everybody.

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