Little Changes Downtown

Andrew Denton, Lovearch, Krutch Park, Knoxville, March 2013
Andrew Denton, Lovearch, Krutch Park, Knoxville, March 2013

Here are a few of the changes I noticed this weekend as I walked about. “Scurried” might be a better word as the cool temperatures and rain persisted. While the arrival of the sculptures for the Dogwood Arts Festival’s Art in Public Places generally coincides with awesome weather, that wasn’t so much the case this year.

Ray Katz with Stargazer, Market Street, Knoxville, March 2013
Ray Katz with Stargazer, Market Street, Knoxville, March 2013
"Stargazer," Krutch Park, Knoxville, March 2013
“Stargazer,” Krutch Park, Knoxville, March 2013

I got to chat a bit with Ray Katz whose sculpture, “Stargazer” gets the premiere spot at the entrance to Krutch Park. He’s fresh off a competition in Chicago that is similar to our event, but with very large amounts of cash involved. I also took a couple of quick shots of other sculptures. I think I might just like this batch better than last year’s.

"Madame Butterfly," Mike Sohikian, Krutch Park, Knxoville, March 2013
“Madame Butterfly,” Mike Sohikian, Krutch Park, Knxoville, March 2013
Pop Culture's New Home, Walnut Street, Knoxville, March 2013
Pop Culture’s New Home, Walnut Street, Knoxville, March 2013

On the business front, I finally got to see the new Pop Culture spot and it’s a good one. I hope it goes well for Jason at his second location. I didn’t take a photograph of it, but I also noticed that the railing has disappeared from around the porch at the second location for Coffee and Chocolate. I hope they are replacing it with something because I liked the look with the railing better. It also has occurred to me that the second location will need something different about its name or we won’t know which location to which we refer. Maybe the new one can be “Coffee, Chocolate and Beer.”

Urban Outfitters, Knoxville, March 2013
Urban Outfitters, Knoxville, March 2013
The Peanut Shop of Knoxville, Market Square, Knoxville, March 2013
The Peanut Shop of Knoxville, Market Square, Knoxville, March 2013

Urban Outfitters had their sign in place and The Peanut Shop was raising theirs on Monday afternoon. Orange Leaf Yogurt seemed to be off to a busy start. My, unfortunately, blurry photograph is the result of switching to manual and not really knowing what I’m doing, just yet. Hopefully that will get better. I chatted a bit with Chris Wright, the manager who seems to be a welcoming sort of guy. Unfortunately, his photograph turned out so blurry it wasn’t usable. They do have sugar-free chocolate yogurt that was delicious. You can go in there and not do too much caloric damage if you go sugar-free and avoid the toppings, but I have to say the toppings looked pretty tempting.

Orange Leaf, Market Square, Knoxville, March 2013
Orange Leaf, Market Square, Knoxville, March 2013
Half the toppings at Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt, Market Square, Knoxville, March 2013
Half the toppings at Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt, Market Square, Knoxville, March 2013

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