I take thousands of photographs each year of downtown Knoxville. It isn’t entirely unusual for me to take more than a thousand in a month. Some of them die an ignoble death, as they deserve. Many live on in a post about something I’m documenting. And then, there are all the others.

These photographs deserve to see the light of day, but don’t necessarily fit a narrative I’m constructing about a certain event or idea I’ve considered. I think the captions pretty much explain them. I wish I remembered the name of the singers at the WDVX Blueplate Special. All I remember is that the couple smiled more than any entertainers I’ve ever seen in my life. I guess the fact that I can’t remember illustrates the riches we have in musical entertainment.

These pictures are from late summer or very early fall. I’ll have more posts like this very soon as I clean out the files and get ready for the Christmas and winter images to come. It turns out that of the people who land on my blog by searching, most are doing image searches, so I suspect some people will look at these pictures and never read the words, as I think is pretty common.

What about you? Do you typically read the words or are you a picture person? I guess the picture people will never know I asked the question!