Happy Thanksgiving 2012

The years tick by so fast I don’t stop writing last year on my checks until it’s time for next year. I think maybe I’m going to pick a random year in the future so at least I’ll be up-to-date for a while without thinking about it.

So, Thanksgiving is here, again. I always enjoy the holiday because it is one of the few which encourage some reflection. It’s also one which doesn’t require that we believe one thing or another, simply that we pause to be grateful. Maybe grateful to God or maybe grateful to your family and friends. Whether you see yourself as blessed or lucky, if you are reading this blog, you have far more than most people in history have ever had.

My thoughts also turn to family. Ours, like so many others every year will not be the same as last year. Many of us have people missing from past holidays and we miss them. There is a hole at the table, an empty chair that we wish could be filled for one more celebration, for one more happy meal.

I also think of our indigenous forebears, sort of the flip side of the Pilgrim coin, and I like to celebrate them. So, this year I’m giving you two videos. Comedian Charlie Rose in a clip from Richard Pryor’s television show, talks about native issues and, among other things, Thanksgiving. The second clip is from my all-time favorite movie, “Smoke Signals,” and features Thomas talking about a Fry Bread Feast, which seemed appropriate for the day.

Enjoy and take a minute to consider the people you love and tell them so.


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