Just a Little Update

Well, maybe I am going to say a little something every Saturday – or not. But here I am for the third Saturday in a row. I hope you are enjoying some of the great events and activities I listed a couple of days ago. If you’ve missed everything so far, go back and look at the list and catch some of the remaining fun. There’s plenty left.

I wanted to take a minute to encourage each of you to notice the new and improved Facebook icon to the right of this message. I found a similar icon on a new blog I discovered, Southern Belle Simple, and got icon envy because it did something mine didn’t and it answered a problem I’d had since I switched this blog from blogger. On the first count, it provided for “liking” the Facebook page directly from the website rather than having to follow a link back to Facebook to “like” it.

Also, I’d missed your mugs. With Blogger I was able to have followers powered by Google, but not so with Word Press. This solves that problem in a sense because everyone who “likes” the Stuck Inside of Knoxville Facebook page shows up here on a rotating basis. Of course, you can see everyone’s face by going to Facebook.

So, this is your chance if you haven’t done so before: simply click “like” directly from this page and become a member of the Urban Nation! I know there are hundreds more readers than “likes,” so we should easily be able to drive that number up. Also, in case you don’t know, the Facebook page includes thousands of photographs from this blog arranged by topic, such as “Businesses,” “People Watching on the Street,” “Knoxville Musicians,” “Buildings, Skylines and Sights of the City” and on it goes. So “like,” visit the site – and while you are at it, “friend” me, though you still have to click the link and go to Facebook to get that done.

Happy Weekend, everybody

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