Labor Day in the City: Boomsday 2012, JFG Sign and More

Urban Girl, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012

So, I’m a little slow recovering from all the Labor Day weekend activities. I just couldn’t quite make myself sit down to blog at 10:30 last night when I finally got a chance after a good, but exhausting weekend. Urban Father, and Urban Cousins-in-law visited and we had a house full with Urban Daughter, Son-in-law, Urban Girl, Shaft and Deda.

Purple and Gold Birthday Cake, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012
Urban Girl and her Great-Grandfather, Urban Father, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012

College football is big for our family, so the weekend really started there. A wide range of colors featured prominently into our Saturday with Alabama, LSU, Florida and Tennessee fans under one happy city roof. Urban Father celebrated his 79th birthday with a cake co-baked by Urban Girl who was pretty darn proud of those purple and gold sprinkles.

Urban Cheeleader, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012
Urban Football Player, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012
Urban Canine, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012

Of course, we had to take everybody to Mast General Store where Urban Girl showed she just wants to cheer – the team is irrelevant. Thanks to Mast for the cool cut-outs for photo ops. While there we bought a dump-truck load of peppermint for hot toddies for one of our gang who was a bit under the weather.

The Tree and the Vine, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012

Any trip with company these days requires a trip to Tree and Vine where they begin their education process on the unsuspecting who are soon mesmerized into making large purchases. Jeddha cast her spell on Urban Cousin and it was all over. It’s really not fair to combine this awesome shop with her spunky cuteness, is it?

Boomsday, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012
Boomsday, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012
Reflections of Boomsday, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012

Of course, a few fireworks illuminated the sky as Boomsday 2012 took center stage on Sunday night. It seemed smokier to me, this year, and I wonder if the 100% humidity may have made the smoke more visible. I took my usual mediocre firework photographs (when is someone going to give me a free photography lesson or two for the greater good?) including a pretty good one of Urban Daughter, Son-in-Law and Urban Girl. The rain almost held off, but not quite. Fortunately we snagged a good dry place for the last ten minutes or so.

Urban Family, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012
Boomsday, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012
Boomsday, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012

Of course, another highlight of the weekend was the return of the refurbished JFG sign. I took these photographs on Tuesday and the sign looks good in its new home on the south side of the river. I’m a little confused about the lighting of the sign, however. I thought it was supposed to be lighted starting Sunday. Is it just going to be lighted at certain times? When I walked to the bridge to take an illuminated photograph around 8:30 Tuesday night, no light offered itself from that bank save for the always picturesque Holston Gas. Does anybody know the lighting status of the sign?

Newly Refurbished JFG Sign, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012
JFG Sign, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012

I hated that the Knoxville Jazz Orchestra canceled their Monday night performance on Market Square. The night turned out to be perfect for sitting outside and I would have loved for Urban Father to hear them.

The Lovely Holston Gas, Labor Day in the City, Knoxville, September 2012

I hope you and your families had a delightful weekend. Now that it’s over I’ll try to find my blog groove once more. Sometimes there’s nothing more important than just enjoying time with the people you love.

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