What? Indian Food at the Market Square Farmers’ Market?

This Weeks Urban Guy and Woman’s Take from the Farmers’ Market (tomatoes and watermelon unavailable at photo time)

One of the hazards I could not have imagined over two years ago when I began writing this blog was that the extraordinary would become ordinary and topics once discussed would fade from my awareness. Also, once I’ve written about it a certain amount of times, what’s new to say? And while my established readers have heard me wax eloquent (or at least get long-winded) about the topic, my newer readers may not have dug up the info in the archives.

Vegetables at the Market Square Farmers’ Market, Knoxville, August 2012
Patrons Select Vegetables at the Market Square Farmers’ Market, Knoxville, August 2012

The Market Square Farmer’s Market is one of the most extraordinary and wonderful realities in our city. Fresh vegetables just blocks from home, music, friends, crafts, great coffee and food; what more could a body ask? I’ve written about it before, but this week I tried to look at  the Market with fresh eyes and I realized a lot has changed. The great, fresh vegetables we love and all the things mentioned above are still present, but there is more.

Peppers of every variety, Market Square Farmers’ Market, Knoxville, August 2012
Bruce Bogartz (photo from http://www.rouxbarbfood.com/)

One of the shifts is that more prepared food is offered. Rouxbarb Chef Bruce Bogartz makes an appearance with his interesting culinary offerings every Saturday morning. He told me it started as an odd idea and it has become one of his favorite things to do every week. Jason Mitchell with Pop Culture has become a fixture at both the Saturday and Wednesday markets with his real fruit popsicles. The Sweet and Savory Truck generally shows up to offer their great wares. I believe we may find a new cart of fresh pies available, soon.

Cruze Farms Indian Menu, Knoxville, August 2012
Paneer and Grits, Cruze Farms, August 2012

Cruze Farms now offers, from their food truck, perhaps oddly, Indian food with a southern twist. Urban Woman and I finally got to sample it this past Saturday and we had a delicious, filling meal that fell somewhere in the ocean between Calcutta and Alabama. We both ate the “Paneer and Grits,” which involves a cubed cheese, grits and a sauce that tastes like gumbo roux with Indian spices added. It came with a beautiful slice of tomato. We’ll be back next week to try another dish.

Young Cruze Farms Worker shares some love with her ice cream, Knoxville, August 2012
Cruze Farms Food Tent, Market Square Farmers’ Market, Knoxville, August 2012

Of course, it’s still about the vegetables. We’re taking advantage of the high season of farm production. I hope you are, too. The winter will come before you know it and we’ll be longing for that good okra, corn and those delicious peas. See you at the market.

The Finished Product, Food from the Market Square Farmers’ Market, Knoxville, August 2012

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