Introducing a Few Changes

I’m still trying to get the site to the place I think it needs to be. I’ve had a hard time finding the time, but harder yet has been finding people who are able to do the very specific things I needed done. I’ve jumped in the last few days and accomplished a few things that I knew I could do and a couple or so that I wasn’t so sure about.

If you look above the title of this post in the navigation bar, you’ll notice a link called “Important Links.” If you click that you’ll find a list of blogs, mostly about Knoxville in one way or another that I think you should definitely check out. I tried to give a brief description so you’d be able to decide if it’s your kind of thing. I think many of you would enjoy many of those blogs and I hope you’ll check them out. One I’ve just discovered that I think is very good is What’s Happening Knoxville.

Additionally, I give links for many organizations, media outlets and downtown advocates that I think are worth your while – again with a little description so you can decide what to click.

On the main page, if you look to the right of this article you see the option to subscribe to the blog, which I would really encourage. It’s simple: enter your e-mail address and click “submit.” You will get one e-mail asking you to confirm and then you will get an automatic e-mail whenever I publish a new post. Nearly a hundred people get that e-mail every day.

Just below the subscription form you may notice that the “Search” option looks a bit different. I really like WordPress and I’m completely glad I switched, but for such a high-powered, generally user-friendly program, the search feature is atrocious. I tried many searches in the last three months looking for a particular article and it would not be delivered or would not be included in the one page of results provided. Google search is excellent and I’m very happy I finally mastered getting it placed.

The Facebook icons beneath the search box are also new. I’d love it if you’d “friend” me on Facebook, but also be sure to “like” Stuck Inside of Knoxville on Facebook. If you follow the link you will find thousands of pictures of Knoxville – mostly from this blog – arranged in easy to search categories, such as “Knoxville Businesses,” “People Watching in Knoxville,” “Knoxville Vehicles,” “Knoxville Musicians” and many more. It’s enough to get lost in and never make it back out.

The final change is that I’m still working on the placement of the ads on the page. They don’t always appear as I wish they would or reside where I think best, so I’m still working on that part, though I think it’s a little better than it was. They are my primary source of income from the blog at this point, so I’ve got to have them and I’m trying to make them as unobtrusive as possible for those of you who aren’t interested, but visible enough for those of you who might like to click them to learn more about a product or service.

As always, I’m interested in your opinion, though I appreciate it if you keep it nice. Suggestions are always welcome. I hope to have an ever-improving, informative and hopefully entertaining blog for a long time to come.

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