Tennessee Valley Kennel Club Dog Show in Krutch Park

Cute Girl, Flowers and Dog, Krutch Park, Knoxville

Putting them through their paces, TVKC Dog Show, Krutch Park, Knoxville

I’ve traveled downtown on a semi-regular basis for twenty-five years and on a very regular basis for the last thirteen. I’ve lived downtown for two years and written about the experience in this blog for nearly a year and a half. Yet, I still manage to be surprised on a regular basis by what I find going on. If there is a website that lists it all, I’d love to know what it is.

Nervously waiting, TVKC Dog Show, Krutch Park, Knoxville

Checking out the competition, TVKC Dog Show, Krtuch Park, Knoxville

One of the events that I didn’t hear about it until I followed the barking to Krutch Park was the Tennessee Valley Kennel Club Dog Show competition. While downtown is always alive with the sounds of animals, particularly of the canine variety, we tend to prefer mongrels to pure-bred animals. That said, I suspect this gathering included an influx of suburban dogs. While my breed identification skills are suspect, I’d be willing to argue the animals gathered for this event were more of the strictly pure-bred variety than otherwise.

“Show them your good side!”

Just chillin’, TVKC Dog Show, Knoxville

It felt very Animal Planet TV as the announcer explained via loudspeaker the various types of judging and breeds present. He patiently intoned the precise parameters on which a judge might focus. Of course, not many people seemed to focus on the intricate details so much as the gathering of cute animals milling about – or standing at attention or prancing beside their owners.

TVKC Dog Show, Krutch Park, Knoxville

Beautiful dog and proud owner, TVKC Dog Show, Knoxville

I’m not sure which dogs won ribbons at the end of the day, but I do know that anytime pets are gathered downtown there are plenty of smiles on the humans in every direction. Add to the animals the cute children running about in the park and the pleasant weather on a Saturday morning and you have  a pretty potent combination. I’ll continue the theme in the next post with pictures from this weekend’s Blessing of the Animals at Church Street United Methodist.

Making friends, TVKC Dog Show, Krutch Park, Knoxville

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