Hola Festival 2011: Pinata Finale

Pinata in better times – Hola Festival 2011, Knoxville

The pinatas were not actually the finale, but they were the last thing I was able to attend. Urban Toddler has her limits and there was a little football game I was interested in watching. So, I missed the dancing and the music, which kills me, but what are you going to do?

Pinatas too, Hola Festival 2011, Knoxville

The pinatas were fun shapes – at least I think they were all pinatas – the spider, watermelon and jack-o-lantern didn’t get hoisted up and beaten to death while I was present, so I suppose they could have been something else. The one with the cones extending in all directions seems to be more traditional.

First Blows to the Pinata – check out the girl’s expression in the background!

Determined, cute, but not a match for the mighty pinata.

The kids, of course had a great time and, as always, they were precious going at it, the boys a bit more viciously than the girls, I think. Urban Toddler didn’t quite know what to make of the whole affair. I’m not sure she’s been in a situation where she was given the green-light to pound something pretty with a big stick, so she looked on a bit in awe and a bit in horror.

Young man does the first damage – Hola Festival Pinata, Knoxville

Once the candy hit the ground, she couldn’t seem to wrap her head around the mass of bodies that dove onto the pavement. The one thing she did understand: a very thoughtful young girl handed her the first tootsie roll of her young life, which she proceeded to enjoy with great relish. Thank you to the kind young girl who paused in her accumulation of sweets long enough to notice the wide-eyed toddler looking on. Muchas gracias hasta el próximo año.

Going for the gold – candy after the pinata bursts.

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