August Pictures Waiting for a Blog to Happen

JFG over the Old City, Knoxville, August 2011

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day. Let’s wrap up one piece of August business with a look at the photographs that didn’t quite find a full blog of their own. Rather than let them disappear forever, here they are. I’ll throw in  a few words where necessary, but I’ll mostly let the pictures do the heavy lifting. I hope you spot something of interest.

JFG over Knoxville at night.

TVA Credit Union on Wall Avenue

I included this picture simply because of the irony that the coolest (in temperature) place on the sidewalk any summer day in Knoxville is outside this door. It’s ironic because TVA encourages us all to conserve energy by insulating our windows and doors while their doors – day and night – spew frigid air onto the sidewalk. I know where I would sleep if I had to spend a hot August night on the street.

Crane lifting balconies onto the Burwell Building.

Balconies and the crane lifting them onto the Burwell Bldg.

Balconies destined for the opposite side of the Burwell Bldg.

Crane on Gay Street, August 2011

Gay Street was closed one Saturday morning in August in order to allow this crane to lift these metal balconies over the building an into their new position on the back side of the building. I never thought about how those heavy-metal contraptions would climb to such heights. Now we know.

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Knoxville

A line outside Knoxville’s Riviera Theater.
Warehouse on Jackson in need of some love. I hope they keep the sign.

Warehouse on Jackson Avenue, Knoxville, August 2011
Taxis lined up on Wall Avenue

I suppose someone who is from a large, thriving city and hasn’t watched Knoxville struggle to become one would be confused as to why I find a picture of a line at a theater and a line of taxis downtown to be of interest. Anyone who has followed Knoxville’s fits and starts understands all to well. How many people thought it would never happen? I’ve actually seen the line of taxis several times. You go, Knoxville!

Train passing the Old City, Knoxville, August 2011

Train in the Old City, Knoxville, August 2011

Thanks to the Working Man for keeping the city working.

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