Rainy Day Brush Off 2011

Opening for the Rainy Day Brush off at KMA

I’ve written about water quality issues and runoff before. In doing so I realized that a local group is devoted to cleaning up our waterways in a variety of ways from volunteer projects to removed debris to encouraging local governmental support for clean water issues, to the topic of today’s blog: The Rainy Day Brush Off.

The idea behind the event is that rain barrels make a big difference for the better in our water quality. According to the literature at the opening event at the KMA, “A rain barrel is a system that collects rain water from your roof that would otherwise be lost to runoff and be divert to storm drains and streams.” Used well, the literature indicates and the average suburban household could save about 1,000 gallons of water during the summer months by collecting rainwater and using it to water plants. This seems like a no-brainer.

While the group typically sells their functional rain barrels around town, this event takes a more whimsical approach and combines smart water-usage with high art. Some of the area’s most talented artists have come together to design their own barrel and offer it for sale to raise money for clean water projects and to help raise awareness of the issue.

So, what can you do? Get a rain barrel. Use it. It helps. Want to do more? Go (physically) to the Knoxville Museum of Art and view the barrels up close and personal. Go (virtually) to the Water Quality Forum website and follow the helpful links to vote for your favorite rain barrel, which the artists will appreciate and/or make a bid on that rain barrel.

July 10 is the deadline for voting and bidding. You will be guaranteed to have a one-of-a-kind artistic rain barrel and you’ll be help the water quality in our area directly by your efforts. Click now!

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