Urban Mystery Picture #5

This is crazy. After two early easy wins by two residents of the Holston Building, I decided to make things more difficult and went for a more artsy shot. It only took until around 9:00 AM for a winner in that third contest. For the fourth one my friend Shaft cropped it down to a few toes and a clump of cement, so I knew that had to be more difficult, right? Here’s last week’s mystery picture:

After a mere forty minutes online this week’s winner made a correct identification. This would be downright embarrassing to any self-respecting Urban Guy. At 12:40 the comment was posted saying, “The foot of the soldier statue at the corner of Gay & Church – in front of the old Courthouse.” This is correct. It is the Spanish War Veteran’s Monument in front of the Old Courthouse.

Buddy Ray – Week Four Urban Mystery Picture Winner

Congratulations go out to Buddy Ray who breaks new ground for the winners, not just in speed, but also in being the first winner from North Knoxville. Of course, Buddy Ray grew up coming to downtown Knoxville and remembers when Market Square was Market Square Mall complete with the mushroom umbrellas (look it up in Jack Neely’s book: Market Square: A History of the Most Democratic Place on Earth).

So, now the gloves come off. No more playing around children, this is the real thing. I think we can take this baby seven days with the surprise answer revealed next week. Do you really think you can handle it? OK, the rules are the same. You have to be the first person to correctly identify the picture in a comment below AND you have to e-mail me at KnoxvilleUrbanGuy@gmail.com. Good luck!

Urban Mystery Picture #5

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