Dogwood Arts Parade, Part Two

Mustang Club, Dogwood Arts Parade, Knoxville, 2011

The Family Choice Award Winner (for our family)

The second half of the parade included more classic cars, of course, but one of my favorite parts of the entire parade was the Chinese dragons. If I were a better blogger I would write down all the names of the participants, but I tend to enjoy the moment and try to piece it together later. I think the dragons were with some type of martial arts group. The people wearing the costumes were very impressive with the movements.

Dragon vs. Man, Dogwood Arts Parade, Knoxville, 2011

Dragons in the Dogwood Arts Parade, Knoxville, 2011

More Dragons, Dogwood Arts Parade, Knoxville, 2011

The confederate soldiers were a bit disconcerting to my group. I know this is the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the civil war, but we agreed it would have felt a bit different if soldiers from both sides were represented. As it was, with the confederate battle flags and “Dixie” playing in a loop, it felt vaguely racist. I’m from Alabama originally and I got the whole southern pride thing when I was a teenager, but I grew up. I’m just saying . . .

Confederate Soldiers, Dogwood Arts Parade, Knoxville, 1861?

Lumberjacks, Dogwood Arts Parade, Knoxville, 2011

Tricked-out Cowboy, Dogwood Arts Parade, Knoxville, 2011

We had an interesting lumberjack float promoting a show I suspect one might find in Pigeon Forge, though I’m just guessing. A cowboy who reminded me of Urban Daddy posed on his horse and though I most often supported the indigenous people, I still appreciate a tricked-out cowboy. The little majorette girls in their floral float were fabulous.

Cutest Girls in Parade Award Winner (Family Choice), Dogwood Arts Parade

Awesome Cat in the Hat, Dogwood Arts Parade

Cantankerous Cat Careens

West High School Marching Band, Dogwood Arts Parade, Knoxville, 2011

Of course, the Cat in the Hat had to be the star of the show. More balloons! The actual West High School Band was in the second half of the parade and I’m not sure who the band was in the first half which I incorrectly identified as West High School yesterday (I’ve corrected it).

Mayberry RFD cast call, Dogwood Arts Parade, Knoxville, 2011

Approximately two million dogs, Dogwood Arts Parade, Knoxville, 2011

The parade concluded with firetrucks, of course, but I didn’t take photographs of those. The cast from Mayberry, RFD was on hand – or a version of them representing the Mayberry Rerun Society or something similar to that. Of course, this being downtown, there had to be a massive group of dogs at some point.

Banjer Band, Dogwood Arts Parade, Knoxville, 2011

For me, the parade culminated with a uniquely east Tennessee component: The Banjer Band led by Matt Morelock. It’s open to anyone, so you might start working on your banjer poses for next year. From what I could tell, talent doesn’t appear to be an absolute requirement.

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