Urban Mystery Picture #4

Well, it’s that time again. Once more I’m forced to acknowledge that you guys are very good at this. The Urban Mystery Pictures haven’t remained a mystery for more than a few hours each week. This time, maybe we’ve made it a little harder.

First, last week’s picture:

First Tennessee Plaza, Gay Street, Knoxville

Melissa Carr was the first to officially identify the location of the picture as the “First Tennessee Building on Gay Street.” Of course, officially, it is the First Tennessee Plaza. Melissa is reveling in her new status as the first female winner of the contest, though she’s willing to share a little glory with her husband, Scott, as he gave an assist in her climb to glory. She’s also proud to be the first westerners to win. I took that to mean west Knoxville, but judging by the UCLA shirt Scott is wearing, maybe they really mean west. Their picture is posted below with a little twist on our theme: He has the hat and she has the glasses. Pretty sweet.

Scott and Melissa: Urban Mystery Picture #3 Winner

An honorable mention goes out this week to Buddy Ray who gave a correct answer via e-mail, but had a malfunction on the comment portion of the task. I think he’s got it together now, so we may hear from him, yet. This also broke the Holston domination. Can they make a comeback this week? Shaft (AKA my friend Kevin) got the cropping apparatus fired up this week and made this a serious challenge for week four.

I’m posting the picture below. Remember, to win you have to be the first to leave the correct answer on the comment section below AND e-mail me at knoxvilleurbanguy@gmail.com. Good luck, everyone.

Urban Mystery Picture #4

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