Signs of Spring

Japanese Magnolias in Krutch Park, Knoxville, March 2011

Spring hasn’t officially arrived, but the signs of its approach are all around the city. I even spotted actual landscaping in The History of Country Music Park (AKA Treble Clef Park). We’ll have more cold weather, maybe even snow, but that annual battle is clearly swinging in the direction of the warmer contestant. Rita’s Italian Ice has re-opened. Crowds have grown on the streets, short sleeves and pants have gained favor and everybody seems to be just a step or two happier.

Dafodils planted in The History of Country Music Park, 100 block of Gay Street, Knoxville

Organized gatherings have increased, as well. Though I missed them, I learned from friends and family that a group in front of the City and County Building protested the current spate of attacks on unions last Saturday, while a wedding happened next door at First Baptist Church. A memorial held the same day on Market Square also protested police handling of the case.

Friends, human and cannine in Krutch Park

Mostly, people are enjoying the opportunity to take the dogs for a walk, meet friends, old or new and enjoy the emerging color. It might be the best time of year in the city. In the past when the days grew longer, I knew that meant longer days for me as I toiled in my west Knoxville yard. Now, it means time for an extra walk alone or with the people I love. Spring is a pretty sweet time. Enjoy.

Even William Sargeant (the statue) has to love this tree.

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