Random Homes in Fort Sanders, Part Two

Here are more of the homes that caught my eye as I recently walked through Fort Sanders. I realize one of them is a church, but I thought it was interesting. It seemed to be missing something, as if its soul had been misplaced or somehow truncated. A missing soul would seem to be a serious problem for a church. I’m speaking of the building only, of course. It just seems to lack something that I can’t name.

Home on Highland Avenue, Fort Sanders, Knoxville

Home on Highland, Fort Sanders, Knoxville

There were several homes in its immediate area that caught my eye. All of them are located on Highland Avenue. Two were directly beside the church pictured above and one was across the street from them. In two of the three someone was working at a computer just inside the window as I took my photographs. If I’m ever arrested for spying on people you guys are going to have vouch for me.

Home in Fort Sanders, Trying Desperately to Cling to its Christmas Spirit.

These homes were fairly well kept and were probably recognizable when James Agee walked this street as a little guy. Still, they could all use some work and any house that slips into disrepair in this section of town becomes at risk. As an example, the edge of a building visible to the right of the house in the shot above is the apartment complex built over the foundation of James Agee’s boyhood home, which brings us to the subject of the next blog: James Agee Park.

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