Dans la célébration de Mardi Gras: Growl Mardi, deuxième partie

Attire Suitable for rain and Mardi Growl, Knoxville, March 2011

Mardi Gras is upon us. Just one more day before Fat Tuesday and then the beginning of Lent. For someone from Mobile, Alabama, it is a time of great memories: school being let out, fighting for candy on the streets, drunken old men in masks beaning us with doubloons. Moon pies. Oh, the moon pies.

How did this many dogs pose for a picture? Mardi Growl, Knoxville, 2011

So, what to do 500 miles away? Enjoy a second day of Mardi Growl. Yesterday’s post was one of the most viewed ever for my blog, thanks, once more, to my friend Kevin and his awesome pictures. I think I’m going to offer him ten percent of the earnings from my blog if he’ll be the official photographer. I think anyone would be tempted by that kind of cash. It should earn him about 33 large per month. Large cents, that is.

Thanks to another kind reader, Jeannine, I have  a few more pictures to share in our second day of Mardi Growl coverage. Jeannine worked at Mardi Growl in the mobile chip and rabies clinic and also managed to supply all the pictures for today’s blog. That’s the kind of character you find among the readers of this blog! Good work, Jeanine, on the photos as well as the other kind services. (BTW, If Kevin isn’t interested, how does 33 cents a month sound to you?)

Who knows, if I get more photographs maybe we’ll make it all the way to Lent. I’m not sure what pictures will be appropriate for Lent, but I’ll work on it.

Psychological Abuse? A cat at a dog convention? Are you kidding me?
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