Surviving the Snow, Part Two

First Presbyterian Church Cemetery, State Street, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

Downtown Knoxville did not return to normal today, but it managed a closer approximation. The roads were much more navigable as the ice and snow succumbed to the ice, wind and warmth of the tires passing over the surface. More people stirred as temperatures rose into the thirties, though walking in the street ironically seemed safer than walking on most of the sidewalks.

A Row in the Snow, Church Street, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

As promised, I’m posting additional pictures from Monday. I followed the edges of downtown, hopefully spotting some scenes I’ve not photographed as much in the past along with some I just can’t help but photograph over and over.

Whittle Building, Cumberland Avenue, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

Whittle Courtyard, Knoxville, January 10, 2011
Saint John’s Episcopal, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

I walked up State Street as I left the Old City, crossed Gay and walked to Cumberland. The Whittle Building, which may be the best thing that Chris Whittle ever accomplished in my opinion, was beautiful in the snow as it is in every weather. Ironically, though it was locked tight and a guard was posted, the brick had been cleaned as if anyone would be allowed to walk there. He wasn’t happy that I took this picture through the gate. I’ve always thought it seemed wrong that this is locked up when the building isn’t open. It seems it should be a truly public place, but it’s not. Security, I suppose. I don’t think I looked that threatening.

Empty Henley Street Bridge, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

Church Street United Methodist Church, Henley Street, January 10, 2011

Entrance to Maplehurst, Knoxville, January 10, 2011
Maplehurst Inn, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

 I crossed Henley Street (with my eyes closed – it’s that easy!) and entered Maplehurst.

Headless, Frozen Man on porch in Maplehurst, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

Home in Maplehurst, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

Home in Maplehurst, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

Home in Maplehurst, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

Apartments in Maplehurst, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

This is a hidden neighborhood behind Church Street United Methodist and on the bluff over the river. Nestled against a green way to the west, it is easy to overlook. Some of the homes are both unique and beautiful. It’s worth a stroll if you are ever in the area.

Looking north down the tracks into the World’s Fair Park, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

Frozen pool, Ampitheater and Sunsphere, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

North end of the World’s Fair Park, Knoxville, January 10, 2011

Finally, I ended my walk with a trip through the World’s Fair Park, before walking back into downtown. We have so many beautiful buildings and views. And snow, well, snow just makes everything a little prettier, don’t you think?

The way home, Clinch into downtown Knoxville, January 10, 2011

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