Coming Events, Part Two

Everyone who has read this blog for any length of time knows how excited I am to have Just Ripe moving into the Daylight Building. Soon, within short walking distance of my home will be what promises to be the closest thing to a real grocery store we’ve got downtown. Once open (February?) it will focus on prepared meals (eat in or eat out) and regional and local groceries along with staples. Very simple, but so wonderful to those of us who hate climbing in a car and leaving downtown to buy a few simple grocery items. While it won’t be a large grocery store, it will be a great help to many of us.

If you’ve eaten Kristen’s burritos at her stand at the Farmer’s Market, you know we have a lot to look forward to. It should also be convenient for all the commuters who use the Locust Street Garage and very little effort for those who use the Market Square Garage to swing by before climbing into their cars and commuting home.

Humble Beginnings to a soon-to-be storefront Downtown Grocery Store

To give potential customers a bit of a preview, Just Ripe is throwing a party this Saturday night from 7:00 to 10:30, next door at John Black Studios. A silent auction featuring local art, gift certificates to local businesses and more will be held through the evening (until 10:00), some of that delicious Just Ripe food will be on hand and music will be provided by a variety of artists including Jennifer Nicely and Ferd (of the Hackensaw Boys) up until 10:30. If you can’t read the flier above you can find it here.

The Daylight Building is located on the 500 block of Union Avenue and Just Ripe is the second store-front as you approach from Market Square. The closest (and free nights and weekends) parking is in the Locust Street Garage. Look under my profile and e-mail me if you need more info. I feel that it is important that those of us who live downtown and have wanted a grocery store support this effort. I think our support will be rewarded in a large way. See you there (wear your Urban Blues t-shirt so I’ll know you :-)).

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