Blue Plate on Ice and a Tasty Menu at Lattitude 35

Tony Lawson, Knoxville Music Icon

Those blessed bad weather days just kept coming last week and, for me, that meant a daily trek through the ice or snow to WDVX studios on Gay Street for the noon Blue Plate Special. Once again, the performers originally scheduled to do the show could not make it, so downtown and just-out-of-downtown musicians were awakened by calls to volunteer to fill the slot.

Van Eaton, WDVX Blue Plate Special, December 2010

Today’s volunteer was local favorite Van Eaton, whose associations with Del McCoury garnered him significant attention early in his career. His down-to-earth acoustic jewels and warm vocals were a perfect antidote to the cold weather outside. Tony Lawson filled in as guest host in the absence of Red Hickey who must have been iced in. The sound was a challenge, as no time was available for a sound check. Van walked in the door as he was being introduced – in a dazzling display of faith on Tony’s part. The guitar also didn’t like moving from warm to cold to warm again and resolutely insisted on slipping ever so slightly out of tune.

Van Eaton, WDVX Blue Plate Special, December 2010

Van will be involved in an interesting songwriters’ showcase coming up soon. Called the K-Town Sound Show, it happens in the Lower 35 (which is the old World Grotto stage beneath Latitude 35) on Thursday, December 23rd at 7:35PM. Van will co-host with Jay Clark and “special guests” are expected. I believe I heard Robinella and Sarah Pirkle’s name dropped. It ought to be a great event.

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