Frosty Fun For First Friday!

Youngest Busker in Town laying down the classical sounds in a much warmer time (last week)

I know, it’s kind of corny, but what’s not to love about a little lilting alliteration lavished lovingly? Still, the title appears to be pretty accurate for what promises to be the first wintry Friday of the late year. Temperatures are predicted to be falling from the forties to the twenties as the evening progresses and snow showers might give us a preview of Christmas in the City.

Daylight Building (left) with new lighting

There are several special events that I thought worth mentioning. John Black Studios on the corner of Union and Walnut (one block west of Market Square) is having open house with goodies provided by their friends at Magpies, so you know that will be good. It’s also worth seeing the vast improvements to the Daylight Building that have taken place in the last month. A certain merchant on the block recently described it as Knoxville’s “Broadway.” Come by and say “hello” to John and Amanda, walk down the sidewalk and check out the developing space for Just Ripe and drop in on Sarah and Ty in the Happy Envelope (if they work out child care :-)).

The Art Market will feature two artists: Pat Fitch  who “paints wooden furniture and toys with colorful, whimsical patterns” and Eric Gebhart who is a “nature and landscape photographer who draws much of his inspiration from the Smoky Mountains.” There will also be jazz movies and live jazz with Lance Owens at the East Tennessee History Center (601 S. Gay Street) from 6:00 – 8:00. On the 100 Block, along with an exhibit by Kenneth Moffit at the Emporium, will be a exhibition by and meet-and-greet with Cynthia Markert at July Apple Handbags (121 S. Gay) .

A sad highlight of the evening will be a silent auction at Abode on Market Square. Sad because it signals the near-end of a favorite and unique downtown establishment which will be missed. The business, I believe, could still be purchased by an interested party, so come take a look with your entrepreneurial glasses on or just come to make a bid on a special piece of furniture – just not the piece I want. If you see the guy in sun glasses lurking near a piece back off. Consider yourself warned.

Much of the detail for this post and an excellent source of previously hard-to-come-by information on First Friday comes from the Knoxville First Friday site. Go there for far more details about what’s happening. It’s a great web page to bookmark.

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