End of the Month Details

Well, I made it through a month. There are a few things worth noting and wrapping up as we move into July.

The first poll asked whether Sundown in the City should continue. The final numbers revealed a split among the Stuckinsideofknoxville readers: About 45% said to keep some version of it, while about 55% expressed doubts or said it was over. Since the survey included so many participants (13), I feel obligated to inform the city fathers (and mothers) that the people have spoken. Embarrassingly, no one spoke to the blogger to report the misspelling in the title. Speak up, people!

The first guess on the object surrounding the base of the tree was not a guess at all, rather an informed opinion: It is a TreeGator. Congratulations to Anonymous, who seems to be one smart cookie, since he (or she – it is anonymous) also figured out the mulberries. It appears to be a 15 gallon, Treegator Jr. Pro. I like the name, TreeGator, but it raised a new question: Since there is only one on the row of trees and it is sometimes moved among the trees, does that mean the city can only afford one? Since this will clearly be a long, hot summer, should we have a Tree Gator drive to save more trees?

Finally, a big “Thank You” to everyone who has read the posts. When I started writing, I wondered if anyone would know it was here. If there are no readers, does a blog really exist? I need not have worried. So far, there have been about 1700 page views by over 800 people, 114 of whom have returned at least once. People have visited from 120 different cities in 22 states and 6 foreign countries. Not a bad first month.

Happy July, everybody!

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