There are so many slices of Knoxville. We may inhabit one and step into another two or three from time-to-time, but there are many of which we know not. My hunch is that most people living...
Clearly, there were many of us who were taken with the idea of Gil Penalosa’s Ciclovia: The City of Knoxville and Bike Walk Knoxville have spearheaded an effort that will bring an “Open Streets” event to...
The Hola Festival is one of my favorite festivals of the year in downtown Knoxville. A wide range of Latin cultures are on display through delicious foods, flashy dancing, music and crafts. It’s one of the...
Well, in a manner of speaking that’s what I came away with from the Knox Heritage 2012 Preservation Awards and Annual Meeting, but I’ll get to that later. It’s a feel-good meeting attended by several hundred...
By the time Madeline Rogero, America’s Coolest Mayor, stepped up on the stage with her grandson, Market Square had become an ocean of people. People stood on tops of buildings, looked out from windows and covered...
I’d intended to write about business today, but I’ll delay that until tomorrow. Today I need to express the complete wonder of last night in our city. Yesterday I encouraged everyone to come out to support...