I hope you had a chance to make it downtown this past Saturday. It’s hard to imagine the humble little biscuit causing the level of commotion it induced in our little city, but so it was....
This post represents a combination of ideas which are completely unrelated. I have these piano pictures from several weeks ago that I really wanted to have on the blog, but there isn’t really much to say...
I was fortunate enough recently to be offered a free ticket to see Bob Weir at the Bijou Theater. While I’d never seen him solo, I saw him with the Grateful Dead in the late 80s...
It’s been quite I while since I wrote anything significant on homelessness. Two years ago a wrote a series on the topic starting here, then here, here, here and concluding here. Of course, I’ve focused on homeless...
There are different moments when I’m in downtown Knoxville that I’m reminded of other cities I love. Recently at the French Market sitting outside on a crisp day enjoying a crepe and watching people walk by,...
Knoxville Skyline, March 2012 I’m very slowly experimenting with my camera. I’ve tried most of the pre-settings. I still lean on “automatic” a good bit, but I’m pretty fond of other settings, such as “flash off,”...
The word I’m getting is that we will definitely not be getting a vet at 36 Market Square as was previously discussed. While this may be disappointing news to downtown residents, I have interesting news for...
As the day wore on the crowds grew and included Kentucky Derby fans who ended their parties and spilled onto the streets to enjoy another culture entirely. Proms were also happening that night – Fulton’s was...
Knoxville seems to have become quite taken with the celebration of various international holidays. Of course on St. Patrick’s everyone in Knoxville becomes Irish. This past weekend everyone got in touch with their inner Mexican even...
It’s probably the single thing that downtown residents look forward to the most in spring: the farmers’ market. Finding good food in winter has gotten easier with the advent of Just Ripe and The Market at...