Last week Pecha Kucha landed squarely in the middle of downtown at the Square Room. The event has made the rounds as it bounced here and there. I saw the first one two years ago at...
The last couple of days have been interesting on Stuck Inside of Knoxville. Sparking a discussion always feels like an achievement, but I could not have anticipated the reactions from so many readers to my most...
The pending redevelopment of the JCPenney Building at elicited quite a bit of dialogue at the January meeting of the Central Business Improvement District. Presentations and tours of that building, plus the Medical Arts Building were...
On a recent climb from the Old City toward Gay Street – or downtown to uptown, if you prefer – I noticed large glass panels disappearing from the front of a building. It’s actually a series...
A few weeks ago I walked into Just Ripe, which readers of this blog know I love, to buy a few groceries. I don’t know the names of everyone who works there, but I know the...
Last fall I wrote a blog post about the fact that we all have different versions of Knoxville that we love. The city I describe on this blog may be quite different from the one you...
In the early days of the new year, Knox Mason became the first new business to open its doors in downtown Knoxville. Located in the spot most recently inhabited by Harry’s and more distantly, by the...
So, how do we make sense of all the comings and goings? First, let’s look at an aggregate picture of what was lost and gained. How do they compare qualitatively and quantitatively. Next, now that I’ve...
There were notable changes to downtown businesses last year which didn’t involve a closing or an opening as much as some sort of alteration or evolution. Some were minor and others involved news that will change...
Well, that got interesting. Just last weekend Knoxvillians lined up at consignment stores attempting to barter away their heavy coats in exchange for a handy pair of Bermuda shorts. Temperatures hovered in the seventies, joggers ran...