Pot Luck to Close on Broadway (Popups and More Coming to Other Locations)

Potluck Cafe, 1328 North Broadway, Knoxville, August 2023
Potluck Cafe, 1328 North Broadway, Knoxville, August 2023

Just last August, I reported that Melanie LaFoy opened Potluck Café. The French-inspired restaurant served casseroles with Melanie’s own creativity bringing the old idea more up-to-date. Located at 1328 North Broadway in a small slice of a building that has seen several businesses come and go, with at least a couple of them currently thriving elsewhere in larger locations.

Melanie recently learned that her lease, which expires at the end of May, would not be renewed. In announcing the closure of that location, her plans are fluid, as she plans her next move. She definitely plans to continue providing good food to people who have grown to enjoy it. Exactly what form that will take remains to be seen, though some things are known.

Online ordering, which has been a consistent feature of the business, will continue via the website. The full menu remains available. Additionally, the Wednesday Night Supper Club, which has been popular with patrons, is available as a personal-chef, home dinner in the homes of anyone who would like to book that for themselves and friends. You can also enjoy her food at the Seven Springs Retreat Center in Maryville, where she is the official food vendor.

Potluck Cafe, 1328 North Broadway, Knoxville, August 2023

For those who might not make it to a retreat center or be able to host an in-home dinner, there will be other options. You’ll likely find her at any of several locations as she offers pop-up dinners and ala carte food. She has firm offers from Hummingbird Apothecary (at Baker Creek) and the Maple Room (to the rear of Maple Hall). She’s also exploring a couple of possible locations in the Old City, so watch for announcements regarding that on the Potluck Facebook Page.

As for the current location, while she has to vacate by May 31, she’ll need to begin the work of moving out well before that date. For that reason, she’s thinking the end of April to early May will likely be the end of service there. Hours may also be consolidated in the meantime in order to allow employees to search for other work.

While the closing of that location is a sad occasion for her, she appreciates the relationships she’s made in the last year and said she has no regrets. She said, “I hope to continue those relationships and continue to offer a space for people to feel comfortable, safe, and happy. Keep in touch through social media and watch for Melanie’s next act.

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