It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to do one of these — and what a chance. This round of snow represented the largest area snowfall since 1996, so by far the largest since downtown saw so much improvement. After not seeing this much snow in nearly thirty years, it simply filled us with wonder. It kept snowing for so long — and then it would snow harder. At last count, I understand we crossed eight to ten inches total snowfall.
Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024
I made these photos Monday afternoon and, as you can see, the snow continued to fall as I photographed and on into the evening. My initial plan had me going out this morning (Tuesday) when the snow stopped and the photos would be more clear . . . Then I noticed the temperatures would be around ten degrees instead of the low thirties and I decided Monday afternoon would be just fine.
Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024
I found it surprising that so many people walked about enjoying the snow. Downtown wasn’t crowded by any stretch, but it wasn’t empty. Lots of children (and a few adults) threw snow at each other (balls weren’t possible with the very dry snow) and ran about. I spotted one snowman and at least one person making a snow angel. Lots of dogs ran around in the snow and everyone I saw seemed very happy to play in the powder. I saw a beautiful Huskey who must have been thinking, “Now this is what I’m talking about!”
Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024
Lots of couples strolled about and more than a few carried umbrellas. Smiles and conversation reminded me of a time it was easier to know most of the people who live in the neighborhood. I loved seeing the surprising things, like a jogger undeterred in the Old City. A cyclist meandering through the heavy snow cover followed my route for a while. Some sort of beach buggy idled in the Old City. A child played on the World’s Fair Park playground as delighted to be on the spiral slide as if it were a spring day. People strolled through Strong Alley looking at the art.
Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024
Of course, the snow made our treasured downtown landmarks even prettier. The buildings look just a bit more stately, the monuments just a bit more poignant. While not quite paused, a near-quiet falls over the city, rough edges covered over for a moment by a soft beauty.
Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024Snow in Downtown Knoxville, January 2024
I’ve put the full drop of photos below, just click each one to make it larger and enjoy. Next up: Bitter cold, here we come. Stay warm and safe.
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