Downtown Christmas Windows and Lights 2023: Uptown

J.C. Holdway, Christmas Windows and Lights, Knoxville, December 2023
Smiley Aeshtetics, Christmas Windows and Lights, Knoxville, December 2023

I always enjoy walking around at night downtown at Christmastime. I’m aware that some people can’t make it down after dark and, while I enjoy downtown anytime, the nighttime is the right time to be with the one you bulb. (IYKYK)

This year is as pretty, or maybe even prettier than, ever. Urban Woman joined me for the stroll this year and we had a great time. We snagged hot chocolate from the Tea and Spice Exchange, from Coffee and Chocolate, and from Phoenix Pharmacy and Fountain. Hey, it was a two-night walk around, so let us have our chocolate!

Regal Cinema, Christmas Windows and Lights, Knoxville, December 2023
Preservation Pub, Christmas Windows and Lights, Knoxville, December 2023
Oliver Hotel, Christmas Windows and Lights, Knoxville, December 2023

We took one night to cover most of what I’ll call “uptown,” including Gay Street, Union Avenue, and Market Square. The other night we started at the Visitor Center and walked along the 100 block and into the Old City. Both nights (mid-week) the crowds buzzed, and the nights were festive. There really aren’t that many lulls in the downtown crowds these days. I love the bustle.

Amidst the music spilling out of doorways, the smells of great food at every turn, the delightful taste of hot chocolate on a cold night, and the sounds of happy people skating, going to dinner or the theatre, and greeting friends, it’s a great time of year in our little city.

Myrtle’s, Christmas Windows and Lights, Knoxville, December 2023
Mast General Store, Christmas Windows and Lights, Knoxville, December 2023
Market Square, Christmas Windows and Lights, Knoxville, December 2023

Today’s photos include the uptown and tomorrow I’ll drop the ones from the Old City. This isn’t a comprehensive review of all the lights and windows. Some didn’t turn out like I’d wished and I probably missed others. Still, you’ll get the idea. I’ve chosen my favorite dozen for each day and displayed them in large format. I’ve included the full batch at the bottom of the page and those should be able to be clicked to see a larger version.

J.C. Holdway, Christmas Windows and Lights, Knoxville, December 2023
Holston Building, Christmas Windows and Lights, Knoxville, December 2023
Clancy’s, Christmas Windows and Lights, Knoxville, December 2023

Enjoy the lights through the photos, but please come down in the next few days and enjoy the whole experience. You’ll be glad you did.

Bliss, Christmas Windows and Lights, Knoxville, December 2023
Arcade Building, Christmas Windows and Lights, Knoxville, December 2023

Here’s the whole load from Uptown:

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