I thought I’d end the week with a mention of a couple of events that caught my eye. While we aren’t going to have either snow or Paris in Knoxville this weekend, you have a chance to celebrate snow (to support Beardsley Farm) and Paris (the person, not the city).
If you aren’t familiar with Beardsley Farm, you’d do well to acquaint yourself. Here’s an article I did nearly five years ago which includes details about the farm which is focused on increasing “food security in Knox County through education by providing fresh produce, accessible education, and land and resources for gardening.” Operated by the CAC in the shadows of downtown, the group does good work.
Always in search of volunteers and donations, the group has several fund-raising events each year, but the focal point of fundraising is their annual Beardsley Farm Snow Day event. The 14th annual version happens tomorrow and proceeds benefit the farm, but they also hope it inspires people to learn more about the farm and consider both donating and volunteering.
You’ll find all the deep details here, but the gist of it is that the event will be held at Central Filling Station from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Tickets may be purchased online for $25 or you can get them at the door for $30. You can also make a donation at this link or pitch in a little extra with your ticket purchase. They have a goal of $7,000 and they are almost there! The good news is the event is outside, so COVID risks are lower. The bad news is the event is outside and it is going to be cold (high of 40, but sunny)! Or maybe that’s good news for an event with “snow” in its title.

So, you might expect good food at an event sponsored by a farm, and you might hope it would be warm, given the cold temperatures. You are in luck on both fronts, as a centerpiece of the event is a soup contest featuring some of the city’s best known chefs and restaurants. This years restaurants include OliBea, Landing House, Tako Taco, The Phoenix Pharmacy and Fountain, Osteria Stella, Yee-Haw Brewing Co., Koyo, Firetower, Walnut Kitchen, Amici, Vidl and Mother’s Daughter Bread, Soeul Brothers and others.
Additionally, you can warm up with spirits at the bar and maybe that will get you loose enough to dance your way to warmth. Music is always an important part of the event and this year jams will be provided by The Montvales, Black Atticus, The Reflectors, Stina & Friends, and Weird Ian. There’s even a silent auction!
Participants are encouraged to come early because the soup is “all you can eat” and is free to children under 8. The result of the “all you can eat” part is that the soup will run out and when it is gone, it is gone. Participants are also encouraged to bring your own bowl in order to be eco-friendly, though bowls will be available.
Of the event, Charlotte Rodina (who is interviewed in the article linked above) said, “The farm’s values are rooted in community, creativity, environmental stewardship, food sovereignty, growth, health, and social justice. The Snow Day event will provide the farm with the financial support needed to continue its mission.”

As for that Paris event . . . the “Paris” involved in this case is Paris Woodhull whose maps of Knoxville have been well-known for a while and whose murals have been popping up around town a good bit recently. She’s also known for small works, all the way down to earrings. For the Paris Party, she’ll be presenting some of her latest, colorful large works at Rala for an event they are calling the “Paris Party.”
You are promised, “figures that are inspired by modern dance, textile design and imaginary spaces from the mind of local artist Paris Woodhull.” It all happens today as part of First Friday and the show will run from 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Come by, meet Paris and check out the work. You might even want to take some home. If you want a preview, you’ll find it here (and you can even make a pre-emptive purchase to secure your favorite piece!).
Enjoy your weekend and be safe, friends. Mixing with large unmasked crowds is virtually certain to expose you to COVID-19 in Knoxville at this point, so hang outside, mask up, wash up, etc. You know the drill.