Downtown Knoxville Ten Day Planner (9/6 – 9/15/2020)

Craighead-Jackson House, Corner of Hill Avenue and State Street, Knoxville Tennessee, September 2020
Geogia Vogel, Owner, with Shopdog Dozer, Honeymouth, 125 South Central, Knoxville, August 2020

As events are opening up, we’re listing a combination of virtual and live events. The rules are the same – if you want your event included, please make a Facebook event, invite me (Alan Sims – you’ll have to friend me) and it will be included. I need enough lead time that the list can be put together the Wednesday before you want it listed. A please be safe if you are attending live events.

NOTE: Please follow Health Department recommendations as you decide whether to participate in events: Do Not Go Out If You Have Symptoms of COVID-19. Wash Your Hands Frequently, Avoiding Touching Your Face. Avoid Touching Surfaces Which May Have Not Been Cleaned Thoroughly. Maintain a Social Distance of Six Fee or More From Others. Wear a Face Mask If Distancing Is Not Possible.

Sunday, September 6


Monday, September 7 


Tuesday, September 8

Honeymouth, 125 South Central, Knoxville, August 2020

Wednesday, September 9

Thursday, September 10


Friday, September 11


Saturday, September 12

Craighead-Jackson House, Corner of Hill Avenue and State Street, Knoxville Tennessee, September 2020

Sunday, September 13


Monday, September 14 


Tuesday, September 15


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